Resources for Teens


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A wide range of information on all fifty states, five territories, and the District of Columbia.

Primary source documents from six key time periods between 1790 and 2000, from the Abolitionist Movement to the Contemporary Era.

Comprehensive resource for reviews of books, periodicals, books-on-tape, and electronic media.

Content levels for children, young adults, and older students & adults. Encyclopedia articles, magazines and journals, websites, multimedia, dictionary and thesaurus entries, world atlas, country comparison tool, and notable quotations.

For students, researchers, and lifelong learners. Hundreds of subject-specific encylopedias, biographies, chronologies, and dictionaries.

For students and teachers. Variety of databases from general reference to subject-specific. Supports student research and classroom instruction.

For students and professionals. Information on more than 1,000 professions in more than 140 industries. Includes education planning, school search, and financial aid databases for schools in the US and Canada.

More than 600,000 biographies of people from around the world and throughout history, including full-text articles, videos, audio clips, and images.

Comprehensive coverage of more than 50 of the most-studied topics in US history from pre-Colonial times to the present.

For students and researchers. Content covering themes and trends from current history curriculums and world history textbooks. Includes the 20th century.

Full-text from reference books, encyclopedias, and historical periodicals. Includes historical documents, biographies of historical figures, and historical photos, maps, and videos.

Full text literary analysis and criticism including plot summaries, synopses, author biographies and interviews, and book reviews.

Scholarly and popular commentary from centuries of literary analysis, including broadsheets, pamphlets, encyclopedias, books, and periodicals.

Full-text articles and works, critical essays, work and topic overviews, full-text works, biographies, and more.

For grades 7–12. A robust selection of eBooks, graphic novels, educator resources, and more. No downloads, no waiting.

For beginners. Interactive coding platform with fun and creative projects for learning Javascript. No software or downloads required.

For middle school students through adults. Tools on how to write and research effectively, grammar and punctuation, writing specific types of documents, and more.

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