Teaching Kits

Teaching Kits

Teaching Kits are themed bins containing library materials that will engage children with their parents, families, caregivers, and teachers. Youth Services staff have selected library materials that correlate to a specific theme to create an interactive learning experience.


Each Teaching Kit has been correlated to the following learning standards:

  • The Palmetto Basics
  • South Carolina Early Learning Standards
  • South Carolina College and Career-Ready Standards

Teaching Kits contain:

  • Picture books
  • Beginning Reader books (EZ-Readers)
  • Non-fiction books
  • Bilingual books (Spanish/English)
  • May also include rhymes, fingerplay, and other interactive activities

  • For: Babies, preschoolers, toddlers, and school-age children
  • Ideal for: Parents, families, caregivers, teachers, and homeschooling families
  • Loan period: 14 days
  • Checkout limit: Two Teaching Kits may be checked out at a time.
  • Return to: The circulation desk of any library location.
  • Availability: Teaching Kits are available at the Hughes Main Library and can be checked out by Adult library card holders. Teaching Kits may be placed on hold for pick-up at any library location.

Check out a Teaching Kit

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