No late fees! Download or stream audiobooks, eBooks, comics, magazines, movies, music, and TV shows with your Adult or Unrestricted Minor library card. These services also feature offerings in Spanish. Not available to patrons holding Reciprocal (residents of surrounding counties) cards.
Get the Apps
- Checkout limits: Unlimited streaming and five song downloads per week. Downloaded music is yours to keep.
- Loan period: No borrowing, no returning. Downloads from Freegal Music are yours to keep.
- Checkout limits: Access seven digital items a month. Instant checkouts, no waiting.
- Loan period: Checkouts automatically come off your device when loan period expires.
- eBooks, audiobooks & comics: 21 days
- Music: 7 days
- Movies & TV shows: 3 days
- BingePass: 7 days (for use with magazines or Great Courses)
- Introducing Hoopla BingePass
- Check out a BingePass to access unlimited magazines or Great Courses
- Each BingePass counts as one of your seven checkouts a month
- BingePass loan period: 7 days
- Checkout limits: Borrow ten eBooks or audiobooks at a time. Place ten titles on hold at a time. Unlimited magazine checkouts.
- Loan period: For ebooks, audiobooks and magazines, you may select a loan period of 7, 14, or 21 days. Checkouts automatically come off your device when loan period expires.