Books & Writing


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Local Author Collection

Authors who live in Greenville County may have their self-published or professionally published books added to this collection located on the second floor of the Hughes Main Library. Authors, submit your work for inclusion in this collection by bringing a copy to any Library System location. Upon donation, please let a staff person know that you are donating a copy to the Local Author Collection. Your work will then be cataloged and will be able to be checked out by Greenville County Library System patrons.

Available at:
 Hughes Main Library, 2nd Floor. Donation drop off at any library system location.




Reviews, recommendations, read-alikes, author bios and interviews, resources for book clubs, and more.

Comprehensive resource for reviews of books, periodicals, books-on-tape, and electronic media.

Books In Print in-library use only

Bibliographic records, subjects guide, full-text reviews, and publisher information for a wide variety of publications.

Full text literary analysis and criticism including plot summaries, synopses, author biographies and interviews, and book reviews.

Scholarly and popular commentary from centuries of literary analysis, including broadsheets, pamphlets, encyclopedias, books, and periodicals.

Full-text articles and works, critical essays, work and topic overviews, full-text works, biographies, and more.

Receive emails Mon–Fri with chapters from a popular book to help you determine if it's a book you want to finish. Includes a wide range of genres and interests and both fiction and nonfiction.

Bilingual dictionaries for Chinese, French, German, Italian, Russian, and Spanish, including a pronunciation feature and other language learning and usage tools.

For pre-K through 8th grade. Search for books by author, topic, grade, series, or time period.

For readers and educators. Resources about children's and young adult books.

For grades 7–12. A robust selection of eBooks, graphic novels, educator resources, and more. No downloads, no waiting.

TumbleBooks Español

Collection of over 500 fiction and nonfiction animated, talking story, and chapter books. Includes French and Spanish books, National Geographic videos, puzzles, games, and songs.

Watch a Tutorial

For middle school students through adults. Tools on how to write and research effectively, grammar and punctuation, writing specific types of documents, and more.

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